我的销售学习笔记 - II
销售不是卖给客户他/她不想要的东西,而是帮助客户没想到的角度看问题,这才是selling。Situational Awareness
作为销售最重要的Tip:Prospecting Lead Generation
Sales Training
Part I: How to Sell Your Product or Service: Acquiring the Sales Mindset
- 首先要改变自己的思维方式。在销售中,销售技巧只占20%,而80%是心态和思维方式。没有人愿意被强迫买东西,而愿意主动去买东西。所以作为销售,心态应该是相信自己的产品足够好,能够帮助到客户,所以分享产品给用户,让他们自己对产品产生购买的欲望。
- Key words:
- 80/20
- Sharing
- Delete
- News
- Key words:
- 首先要改变自己的思维方式。在销售中,销售技巧只占20%,而80%是心态和思维方式。没有人愿意被强迫买东西,而愿意主动去买东西。所以作为销售,心态应该是相信自己的产品足够好,能够帮助到客户,所以分享产品给用户,让他们自己对产品产生购买的欲望。
Part II: How to Sell your Product or Service - Product Inventory
- 我们的产品有。。。功能的简介
- 能够允许你做。。。功能带来的好处
- 这意味着。。。 给客户的adavantage,也就是产品对于客户现在正在使用的产品有什么优势?否则客户没有动力去买
NetApp HCI Function Benefit Advantage 商业价值 QoS 性能可预测;可保障 不需要预先知道有多少性能需求,按需扩展;性能保障可以让每个业务互不干扰,满足SLA,不必为每个业务购买一套超融合,最大化发挥超融合的价值 现有的环境只能预先买多余的性能,投资的浪费,利用HCI可以按需扩展,减小初始投资成本;利用NetApp的超融合,不必像现有的传统架构或者第一代超融合,只能通过为每个业务建立孤岛的方式来避免互相之间的干扰,实现真正的业务整合 省钱,最大化利用资源; Flexibility 计算资源和存储资源可以独立扩展 按照实际业务需要,扩展计算资源或者存储资源,不必绑定二者 如果正在使用第一代超融合,由于计算资源和存储资源是绑定的,无法做到单独扩展,带来的软件许可成本,机架空间成本,维护成本的增加,而采用NetApp HCI可以把这些成本都节省出来;更快的响应也无变化 省钱;提高业务营收 Cloud 和云的对接 可以通过CloudBackup备份到公有云,私有云;也可以直接备份数据到SGWS 现有的客户环境中大部分不具备和云的对接能力,也不具备对象存储的对接能力,数据无法更好的分层,保护,存储,对业务有很大的影响。利用NetApp的HCI可以让结构化,非结构化数据,关键数据,归档数据进行更好的存储和数据存取,保护,加快企业数字化转型 提高数据的价值,为业务发展提供更好的动力 All Flash 全闪存带来的高效率 通过全闪存,可以让数据在稳定的延迟中完成读取,更好的耐用性,更快的盘恢复速度,双副本的数据保护;更好的数据存取效率 现有SAS或者SATA盘,延迟高,容易出现热点,出错率高于全闪存,故障后恢复时间远远高于闪存盘。带来的后果是,业务中断的比例高,延迟高,无法满足需要低延迟的业务需求。采用NetApp HCI,全闪存带来的变革可以更好的满足现有以及未来业务的发展变化,初始投资可能高于传统磁盘,但是中长期的投入看,会有更好的投资回报率;更快的完成业务请求 提高营收,省钱 企业级超融合 打破了传统的服务器,网络,存储架构,革新了第一代超融合 可以快速部署,扩展,更快的应对业务变化 当前市场上成本最低的全闪存超融合基础架构;不需要雇用专业人员来部署、运行和管理基础架构;轻松简单地从一家供应商消费和购买基础架构;自动化的管理你的系统 省钱,人力成本节省;提高营收
Here is the transcript : I briefly want to talk about how to close a sale. Why people don’t buy and how to overcome that. There are 5 reasons why customers won’t buy and I call it
- MTNUTM = No money
- T = No time
- N = No need
- U = No urgency
- T = No Trust
When you’re talking to a customer here is the model I want you to have in your head. They’re resistant to buying your product, the resistance is high, and they don’t want to be sold. Our job is to lower the resistance over time, whatever time your presentation is, and somewhere there is this magical line where they cross over and they go “ah I’ll buy, you’ve convinced me, now is the time to buy”.
Now let’s look at the 5 reasons people don’t buy :
- MONEY There is a small percentage of people who literally don’t have the money to buy. The majority of people have the money and are willing to spend the money if you can show them the value of what you are offering. So money isn’t really an excuse.
- TIME Some people say they don’t have any time. Well guess what, I don’t buy into that neither. If I can show you how to save money, you will make the time to save that money. If I can show you how to make more money, you will take time to learn how to make more money. Time is not really an issue if you can prove the value. So if money is not the issue, time is not the issue, maybe it’s need?
- NEED Some people know they need something, some people don’t. There is something called a “trigger event”. Something happens that you realize you need to do something. So maybe the customer has a need, that’s one person, but then there are people who don’t know they need something, so our job is to make them aware that they need something. So the first question to ask ourselves is “Does the customer know that they need this product?” Some clients will say no, some clients will say yes, great. But if they say no our first job is to demonstrate why they need our product. However just because they need it, doesn’t mean they will buy it. Now that we know that they need it, they know that they need it, is it urgent? We’ve all been in this situation: I need that, but do I really need t get it NOW? Is it really that urgent?
- URGENT So our job now, if it’s not about the money, it’s not about the time, they know they need it, then our job is really to create a sense of urgency; why they should do it NOW. What we have to do is show them why they need to take an action NOW. In other words if they don’t take action NOW they are going to lose money. If they don’t take action now they’re not going to make as much money, if they don’t take action NOW they are going to miss out on a great opportunity. You have to learn to position yourself in such a way that the customer feels the sense of urgency. Selling the gain VS selling the pain. You can sell the gain which is the features and benefits, but it is always good to sell the pain of not making a decision.You’ve got them to acknowledge that they need it; you moved them over to a sense of urgency, the last part is: do I TRUST you and the product you are offering to solve my problem. Can it really help me?
- TRUST I want you to start analyzing why they don’t buy, is it really about the money? Is it really about the time? Maybe I didn’t create the need first, or maybe if I did create the need, maybe it is that my story isn’t compelling enough to create that sense of urgency. Or maybe you did create the need, and you showed them that it was urgent, but you know what, they didn’t trust you. Then you have to ask yourself : how do I develop more credibility? How do I gain their trust? And as you begin looking at these 5 pieces of your sales presentation you begin to get a better idea of how to position yourself, and how to walk through those phases, these 5 phases of not buying, and if you do it effectively, if you know how to reduce the resistance buy showing why they need it, show them that it’s urgent, and last but not least, that you are trustworthy, you will hit that famous BUY level.