Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich
10 Best Ideas
★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★
- (2:15) 1. MINDSET
The real thing that will make you rich is your mindset. Focus on modeling how successful people think. Thoughts ARE things.
- (3:00) 2. DESIRE Want it bad enough - it becomes an obsession. “Burn the ships” mentality vide.
- (6:00) 3. FAITH Fake it till you make it advice: “Dress for job you want, not job you have”
- (8:00) 4. TWO QUOTES “You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.”
- (9:20) 5. SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE Two kinds of knowledge: GENERAL vs. SPECIALIZED Become the “Linchpin” - the thing they CAN’T OUTSOURCE will make you rich. JOURNAL QUESTION: What is something YOU and ONLY you can do?
- (11:00) 6. ORGANIZED PLANNING Achievement. “Grow rich” massive goal - takes a lifetime. How do we stay motivated on the day to day? Solution - make it NEAR to you. HOW to achieve BIG goals? Break into small ones.
- (14:50) 7. PERSISTENCE STAY WITH IT. NO goals happen overnight. Ditch the “big break” mentality (i.e. ONE thing missing. ONE deal make you rich. ONE blog post go viral. ONE diet lose hundreds, etc). Don’t look for your “BIG BREAK” - create it. How create it? Do the work, show up!
- (17:00) 8. MASTER MIND You are AVG. of top 5 people hang around. Get a group of people together for specific purpose. Learn from their 20/30 years of complete different experience and life. (Private mastermind facebook group coming soon).
- (19:15) 9. BECOME BORED THINK and grow rich. Requires HARD work do the deep dive. “all of man’s problems arise with his discontentment of being able to sit in a room alone” -Seneca Do the work. Active form of boredom by journaling:
- (21:00) 10. JOURNAL WORKSHOP MONEY FROM CH. 2 1. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. 2. Determine exactly what you intend to give for this money. 3. Establish a definite date by which you intend to acquire this money. 4. Create a definite plan to acquire the money, and take the first step immediately. 5. Put the four items above into a clear, concise sentence describing each part. 6. Read the statement aloud twice daily, in the morning and at night.
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